Tuesday, November 13, 2012




On this week, all final year student BMI need presenting about their final project. The accessors are from different section; was selected by FYP comunitee to access the project. Students need to  be prepare the project with the poster. The project need to be briefing clearly and demonstrate it. 


In my poster, i bring out all the important things like Abstract, Objectives, Problem Statement, Methodology, Block Diagram, Results, Conclusion and References


  • Abstract, i explained about my project and the main function to the real world
  • Objectives, here i explained the scope and limitation of my project
  • Problem statement, the result of my research aided by pi graph 
  • Methodology, the steps of my project in development process.
  • Block diagram, i show the diagram how my project work
  • Results, here i shown the main components of my project, LDR aided by its graph (voltage verses brightness) and the overall of the circuit
  • Conclusion, explanation of my project at the ending development is success or not 
  • Application, where my project can be apply
  • Referancess, the source where i had referred to construct my project


My accessor are Dr. Zarina (head section) and Madam Siti Hajar from Medic section. They asked every details in poster. In order to give they in larger scope of my project, i gave a copy of my slidshow. 


I presented my final year project at level 5 with several diploma student. But not all diploma in same level with the same course. Beside me, a medic students were sitting, and the same accessor are accessing they too. The presentation took time about 15 minutes.

i with my poster

ready to be accesses with the prototype


For the final week, i  felt sad as i didnt get top 20 of the best final year project. this because of my english not well enough to make accessor understand about my project. But this result not really kill me as my project objectives already achieves and my real goal is to score A in FYP subject


This recommendation is actually come from week 11 where i realize  the system can be upgrade and give multifunction to the car light system. i did a simulation by using Proteus Software. Bellow is my details about my recommendation this project

Components :  16f877A(PIC), Cristal, Capacitors, Resistors, LED, Transistors, LDR, Switch
Software : Proteus, MBlab, Ares

Components Description 

Crystal : to give clock pulse to pin 13 and 14 16f877A
Capacitors : to smooth clock pulse by crystal
LDR : As a sensor
Resistors : as voltage drop to every input (voltage needed) 
Transistors : As switching,to allow the current flow to the light system
Switch : to switch manual or automatic 

Project Flowchart

Thursday, November 1, 2012




As i got a plenty of time left before final week, i did some testing of my project to the application. Here i would to get the real result; my project can be proceed or not. In my magazine, the application use for car, but i tried to use a bike as a subject


Before i connecting the project input with the wiring bike system, i did a measurement about the current and the voltage first. The result of measurement get a little higher than the expected was. The current increase rapidly during i ramp the fuel and the voltage increase too. This already explained by Ohm's theory


But inside my project circuit, the fuse is inserted as the safety one as to cut off the if current reach maximum where will burn IC

here some picture during i testing the prototype

bike light wiring system

the measurement is taken by using multimeter

read multimeter value

connecting the light system with alligator clipper

wiring is system is connected with the project

Project is testing


bellow is the result after i did the experiment


first condition:

for the real application, during driving a car, when the light intensity fall (like sunset condition ) to a certain level the system is automatic on, but the system is off if the light intensity not changed even at night if the car surrounded by light. The system is depend on the light intensity only.

second condition:

During in the middle of driving when a car facing with other car, monostabe start to on for certain seconds (can be adjustable) as the comparator is off ( voltage V1 > V2 at op.amp ). this will prevent the light system to turn off

third condition

When driving a car to the parking area, there were a lot of light (lamps) the  light system from on turn to off as surrounded by brightness of the lamp at there. This because the duration of monostable only for certain period only, not for long period ( minutes). The light system will active back if the car going out from  that parking area. This situation for night (darkness condition only).